Photography, Video, And Media Policy

Playa del Fuego and FirePony Creative Society understand that photography and video art is integral to radical self expression; however, we require that all participants obtain explicit consent of their subjects whenever capturing and/or publishing photographs, images, likeness or videos (content) taken at the event.   In addition, the following details apply, as adapted from the waiver:

Use of Images and Likeness of people:

As a participant of Playa del Fuego, or related activities, you may be photographed.

Direct and unambiguous consent is required before photographing or recording any participant at PDF. 

Any persons identifiable in an image, film, or video, must express direct and unambiguous consent to be photographed or filmed. 

Photographers must destroy any image or video at the subject’s request, even if prior consent had been granted.

It is prohibited to take any photos, videos, or create likeness of any camp or a person that has posted a “No Photos” sign or at any event where a “No Photos” policy has been announced.

No use of images, film, or video obtained at the event may be made without prior written permission from FirePony Creative Society and the written permission of any persons identifiable in the images, film, or video, other than personal use.

Additionally, the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers and/or assigns may not use any images, film, or video obtained at the event without prior written permission of any persons identifiable in the images, film, or video.

“Personal use” of images, film or video means to share with friends and family, to display on personal websites (as long as your website does not sell any other product or service, and as long as your website does not purport or appear to be an official website of Playa del Fuego, Constellation, or FirePony Creative Society), to display on photo sharing websites, and to display at art exhibits or similar exhibits. Social networking sites such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and Facebook are deemed “personal use” only if the display of the images, film or video on these sites are not used for the promotion or distribution of images with the intent to publicly display them beyond one’s immediate network of friends and family members.

FirePony Creative Society is a joint ownership in the copyright for images obtained at the event so that in the event any third party displays or disseminates any of my images in a manner not authorized by this agreement, FirePony Creative Society can enforce against the third party any restrictions concerning use of the images, and participants appoint FirePony Creative Society as their attorney-in-fact to execute any documents necessary to effectuate such assignment. FirePony Creative Society agrees that it will not utilize this joint ownership to enter into any licensing agreements for the images.